Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Conservation Of Madagascar And Its Lemurs Biology Essay
The Conservation Of Madagascar And Its Lemurs Biology Essay The remarkable island of Madagascar is not at all like anyplace else on earth. Generally the size of France, with a zone of 226,658 square miles, it is the universes fourth biggest island. It lies in the Indian Ocean, approximatly 250 miles off the shore of Southern Africa. Madagascar, and the minuscule island of Comoro, give the main present-day local living space to lemurs (Butler, 2009). Nicknamed the eighth Continent in light of its assorted variety of species (Hooper, 2005), Madagascar does not have the prevailing type of primates circulated around the world. Rather, their specialty has been filled by a more established gathering of primates, the Lemurs. Because of Madagascars disconnection, lemurs have an intriguing transformative history. Madagascar was initially part of the overly landmass Gondwanaland. As Gondwanaland broke separated around 160 million years back, Madagascar split away from Africa (Carwardine, 2009). The Island kept on floating, moving ceaselessly from Africa and by the advancement of monkeys, 17-23 million years back, Madagascar was at that point confined. As exceptionally keen and versatile primates, monkeys, immediately turned into the prevailing primates around the remainder of the world. The Strepsirhini, the suborder that incorporates the lemurs, lorises, bushbabies, and pottos, were driven away and towards termination by these propelled primates. The lorises, bushbabies, and pottos had the option to moderately effectively exist together with the monkeys, to a great extent because of their nighttime and insectivorous qualities. They didn't contend with the monkeys; nonetheless, the lemur heredity was headed to locate another home, Madagascar (Baines, 1997). As the island of Madagascar floated futher from Africa, the lemurs were then detached from the remainder of the world and its transformative changes. They are currently By far the most prestigious and different gathering of Madagascars warm blooded animals (Sauther, 2009). They have spread all through Madagascar, filling the specialties absent a lot of rivalry or predators. Today lemurs are found in practically the entirety of the biological systems of Madagascar (Carwardine, 2009), many have adjusted in stunning and odd manners to guarantee their endurance. Higher primates or homo-sapiens didn't arrive at Madagascar until around 2,000 years prior, when they figured out how to explore the oceans (Oldfield, 2002). Once there, people started to methodicallly demolish the already immaculate island .15 types of lemur are known to have become be wiped out, yet a lot more are thought to have vanished before they were even found. As of now all lemurs are in harm's way, to a great extent because of living space pulverization and chasing. Madagascars landscape is as different as its natural life with seaside fields, mountain ranges, sensational slopes, and thick rainforest. Thusly, there is an extraordinary assorted variety of biological systems, each with varying vegetation and along these lines: various species. This is for the most part as per alleviation, topography and precipitation. The principal people to show up on Madagascar were the predecessors of the Sakalava individuals, who started in Indonesia and now live in the West of the island. These early pilgrims working on moving development, consuming the beforehand immaculate vegetation. In the ninth and thirteenth hundreds of years separately, the precursors of the Merina individuals and Betsileo clans of Northern Madagascar additionally showed up from Indonesia, and started cultivating rice. During the most recent 1,200 years individuals from Africa and the Arabian Peninsular have likewise settled in Madagascar, carrying with them Zebu steers. Numerous conventional functions and customs are based around Zebu steers, even today numerous Madagascians measure their riches by the quantity of Zebu they own. As such there is currently more Zebu than individuals on Madagascar. Consistently tremendous regions of vegetation are scorched trying to improve field for these creatures (Oldfield, 2002). In 1895 Madagascar turned into a French state. These new pilgrims started collecting significant hardwoods for trade, for example, blacks and rosewoods, the gathering of these trees proceeds with today. The imperiled Dalbergia delphinensis tree is one of more than 30 rosewoods undermined because of specific felling (Oldfield, 2009). The limited conveyance of this species likewise harmonizes with a proposed site for a titanium mine which undermines all the staying seaside woodland in Southeast Madagascar (Kimball, 2009). Additionally to its hindrance, Madagascars rainforests contain significant minerals, for example, gold and sapphires. Endeavors to extricate these stances further dangers. Mining is one of the numerous dangers to Madagascars backwoods and the numerous species that depend on them. Wood is likewise cut for fuel and many logging organizations are quick to procure backwoods concessions. Another danger is the nearby type of moving development known as tavy. A large portion of Madagascars 13 million human occupants rely upon the land for their business. Enormous measures of woods are cleared each year by cut and consume strategies for rice development, maize and cassava. Numerous zones are depleted of their supplements and afterward surrendered, the optional vegetation that at that point develops is known as savoka, this is in the long run supplanted by prairie (Oldfield, 2002). Madagascar is home to a huge 10,000 or so plant species, 80% of which are endemic to the island (Carwardine, 2009). Despite the fact that Madagascars creature assorted variety is less striking, numerous species are novel to the island. More than 250 flying creature species, almost 50% of which are endemic to the island, 300 types of reptiles, over 90% of which are discovered distinctly on Madagascar (Oldfield, 2002). The islands just creatures of land and water, 178 frog species, which are all endemic and in excess of 33 known types of lemur occupy Madagascar, the greater part in its draining rainforests. As per the Botanist, Henri Perrier de la Bathie, writng in 1921, The once compelling rainforests of Madagascar have declined drastically. As ahead of schedule as 1921, felling had devastated 90% of Madagascars timberlands (Sauther, 2006 ). Organically, it is viewed as probably the most extravagant zone on earth (Green, 1990), be that as it may, nobody has ever figured out how to make a full assessment of Madagascars many undermined rainforest species. Preservation status data on certain types of creatures and trees has been gathered, however is not even close to finish. Of the rainforest types of lemurs alone, compromised species incorporate the Indri, just as the Aye-yes, Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur, Golden Bamboo Lemur and the Red-bellied Lemur. As indicated by Ian Tattershal in Michelle Sauthers report, Lemurs: Ecology and Adaptations, there is general understanding that the lemurs, including the as of late terminated subfossil structures, ought to be ordered into seven families: Cheirogaleidae, the diminutive person lemurs with five living genera; Lemuridae, the genuine lemurs and their nearby family members, with five genera (one wiped out); Lepilemuridae, with two genera (one wiped out); Indriidae, with three living genera, Archaeolemuridae, with two genera (both wiped out); Palaeopropithecidae, with four genera (all wiped out) and Daubentoniidae, the affirmative ayes, with a solitary living variety and species. Contingent upon whose characterization is acknowledged, living lemurs may number up to forty unique species and potentially even up to seventy two species, if subspecies are remembered for the check. With these numbers, and in spite of late eliminations, Madagascar positions third most noteworthy on the rundown of high-primate assorted variety nations around the world (Sauther, 2009), regardless of being just a single tenth of the size of the world chief, Brazil. These types of lemur are endemic to Madagascar. As indicated by the ICUN Red List of Threatened Species, every one of these animal groups has various dangers to their endurance. Numerous lemurs, for example, the Red-ruffed Lemur, and numerous sorts of bamboo lemurs are fundamentally jeopardized. With a definitely diminished living space there are scarcely any left in nature. The Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur, Golden-earthy colored Mouse Lemur, and the Black and White Ruffed Lemurs are not as near eradication, however are recorded as imperiled. A portion of the lemurs recorded as powerless incorporate the Black Lemur, Crowned Lemur, and various Fork-checked Lemurs. Maybe the most striking lemur species have for quite some time been terminated. These incorporated the Archaeoindris, which was bigger than a grown-up male gorilla, the Babakotia and the Magaladapsis. All lemurs are secured by law, and in numerous networks it is viewed as no-no to kill an Indri, however somewhere else, the Indri, and numerous different types of lemur, are pursued for food and once in a while sold as shrubbery meat or pets (Carwardne, 2009). Madagascar has endured natural debasement over a critical piece of its property mass. When secured with rainforests, the greater part of the Eastern third of Madagascar is currently, either desolate, or decreased to bush land. As indigenous vegetation is cut and consumed for fuel numerous zones, for example, the Spiny woodland, which contains numerous uncommon plant and creature species endemic to the island, have offered approach to desert plant clean. Around 80% of the first plant spread has been decimated and a great part of the territory is presently debased field (Oldfield, 2002). Every year, a further 1% of Madagascars backwoods are leveled. This mass deforestation not just influences the land and its occupants straightforwardly, yet additionally by implication. Without vegetation to ingest dampness the dirt is dissolving endlessly at a disturbing rate. Enviromental guidelines have been set up to ensure the backwoods and types of Madagascar since 1881 and at present, more cash is put towards the preservation of Madagascar, than some other piece of Africa (Butler, 2009). Madagascar is one of the universes least fortunate countries, with a for every capita salary of roughly $240 every year. Around 80 percent of the populace are means ranchers, huge numbers of whom rely altogether upon normal funding to help their lifestyle. The people groups reliance on the land and regular assets is of significant result to Madagascars biological systems and endemic biodiversity (Kremen, 2010). The major ecological issues of Madagascar incorporate deforestation, and consequently loss of environment, farming flames, ero
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
European Union Debt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
European Union Debt - Essay Example The European Union obligation emergency was a combination of complex components on the planet showcase. The globalization of money and help of simpler access to credit in 2002-2008 period improved dangerous loaning and getting among the part states. In addition, the financial strategies, exchange lopsided characteristics and property bubbles quickened the dept status (Dikson, Julie, and Pavlos 30). The legislatures were losing cash following the financial framework bailouts to defaulters of the property bubble. Besides, the benefits responsibilities and the unreasonable open wages expanded the obligation level (Lynn 11). The expanded capital and reserve funds in the worldwide pool of the European Union and different speculators set the strategy and administrative structures in the part nations. This is on the grounds that moneylenders and borrowers rushed to execute along these lines producing financial air pockets in every mainland (El-Agraa 39). A decrease in the fiscal worth brought about noteworthy misfortunes and decreases in property estimations. In any case, the liabilities owed to the worldwide financial specialists stayed at steady costs bringing about significant misfortunes to the borrowers and bankruptcy of banks and government (Crifoì€ 30). As indicated by Sanghera (21), the Northern nations, for example, Norway and Sweden, had the option to adapt to the emergency on the grounds that their administrations loaned funding to property engineers. This created gigantic property bubbles. At the point when the air pockets fallen, their legislatures and residents accepted private obligations. These decreased over the top weight to the administration to rescue the country. After some time, these countries had the option to hold a reasonable monetary situation with better business rate. In Greece, be that as it may, the administration improved its duty to the open workers by encouraging higher wages and benefits settlements. Remarkably, the work wage bill multiplied exponentially in genuine terms. Additionally, the financial frameworks became rapidly making gigantic outer
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare and Contrast Paper Essay Example for Free
Look into Paper Essay I have decided to utilize Story of an Hour, composed by Kate Chopin and The Necklace, composed by Guy de Maupassant for this look into paper. I will probably show similitudes just as contrasts between these two pieces and give examination of the attempts to give a more profound knowledge into the subject of this paper. The subject I find comparative in these two pieces is avarice: you ought to be content with what you have. In the two stories you have ladies that are upset in their circumstances, appearing to consistently be needing for additional. While the tales are totally different, they do have a comparable message. Dr. Emily Chen, PhD states:†that perusing a scholarly book is a piece of a mind boggling process that incorporates joint effort between the essayist, the content, and the peruser. Content is re-made each time another person understands it, and it becomes, simultaneously, progressively more extravagant. Content is an upgrade that inspires reactions from us dependent on our past encounters, our past perusing, our musings, and our sentiments: the content follows up on the peruser and the peruser associates with the text†. (Chen, 2009). Every story, read by every individual will in all likelihood illegal an alternate view dependent on their background, state of mind, age and sex. â€Å"Your condition and individual encounters impact your reaction to stories. Regardless of whether you know about it or not, the focal point through which you imagine a story is separated by bits of knowledge you have picked up from family conventions, strict convictions, and basic life issues. Along these lines, understandings of a story shift dependent on the perusers age and expansiveness of experience. Feelings influence ends drawn from stories. Translations contrast from culture to culture. †(Clugston, 2010). Perusing every one of these accounts presently, influence me uniquely in contrast to on the off chance that I had perused them ten, fifteen or twenty years prior. The Necklace and Story of an Hour are both short stories set in about a similar timeframe, the late 1800’s, in private living arrangements. The Necklace is a tale about a lady, Madame Loisel that is discontent with her straightforward life as a clerk’s spouse. She is continually staring off into space about the better things throughout everyday life and the wealth that she feels that she is passing up. â€Å"She endured seriously, feeling herself conceived for each delicacy and each extravagance. She experienced the neediness of her residence, from the well used dividers, the scraped seats, the grotesqueness of the stuffs. †(de Maupassant, 1884). Madame Loisel’s spouse, with an end goal to attempt to bring her satisfaction, gets a solicitation to a gathering with the world class townspeople. Still disturbed in light of the fact that she didn't have a proper dress to wear, Madame Loisel’s spouse gives her the cash he was putting something aside for himself so she could go out and buy a dress. That being said she is as yet distraught in light of the fact that she has no gems to wear with it. She asks her companion Madame Forrester to obtain her something proper and winds up acquiring a â€Å"diamond†jewelry from her. At last, the jewelry is lost the evening of the stupendous party. Madame Loisel and her better half wind up working themselves to death for the following ten years to take care of the obligation they caused in supplanting the accessory, which wound up being a phony at long last. Their life as they once realized it was finished. Story of an Hour is a short story including Louise Mallard, a despondent housewife with a heart condition. In the story she learns of her husband’s demise and inside minutes goes from sobbing wildly to cheerful and happy. â€Å"She said it again and again faintly: free, free, free! The empty gaze and the vibe of dread that had tailed it went from her eyes. †(Chopin, 1884). Mrs. Mallard felt abused in her marriage, that her better half didn't cherish her and found a feeling of opportunity from his passing. â€Å"She realized that she would sob again when she saw the sort, delicate hands collapsed in death; the face that had never looked spare with affection upon her, fixed and dim and dead. In any case, she saw past that harsh second a long parade of years to come that would have a place with her completely. †(Chopin, 1884). Eventually, Mr. Mallard didn't go in the mishap and when he got through the entryway and she saw him, Louise passed right at that point. Every story includes a miserable lady as the primary character. Madame Loisel in The Necklace is discontent with her budgetary circumstance, continually fantasizing about the better things throughout everyday life. Louise Mallard in Story of an Hour is a miserable housewife with a heart condition, feeling mistreated in her marriage. At long last, the two ladies take care of their needs: Madame Loisel to be well off or seen as affluent pays by relinquishing her life to work twice as difficult to reimburse an obligation. Louise Mallard needing her opportunity at last gets it when she hears her significant other has been murdered in a mishap, just to lose it with her passing as he really strolls in the entryway. Portending is utilized in both these accounts also. Foretelling is depicted in our reading material as:†A procedure an author uses to imply or recommend what the result of a significant clash or circumstance in a story will be†(Clugston, 2010). Hinting gives us a few pieces of information with regards to a portion of the occasions that will may perhaps unfurl in the tales. In The Necklace, the line It was not I, madam, who sold this jewelry. I just provided the case. (de Maupassant, 1884) gives a little clue that the neckband may not in reality have been authentic precious stones. In Story of an Hour, the basic certainty that the initial line expressed Louise Mallard had a heart condition I feel, give some insight immediately with regards to the reality she would pass on in the story. The line â€Å"someone was opening the front entryway with a latchkey. †(Chopin, 1894), additionally provides some insight that she could be sufficiently astounded to have her heart come up short. â€Å"There was something going to her and she was hanging tight for it, dreadfully. What right? She didn't have any acquaintance with; it was excessively unobtrusive and subtle to name. Yet, she felt it, crawling out of the sky, coming to toward her through the sounds, the fragrances, and the shading that filled the air. †(Chopin, 1894). This line, I feel, shows that Loise may even have felt her approaching demise. Perhaps the reference in the line â€Å"But she felt it, crawling out of the sky, coming to toward her through the sounds, the fragrances, the shading that filled the air. †(Chopin, 1894), could be a reference as to Jesus coming to take her to paradise. Incongruity happens in both of these accounts also. Incongruity is characterized in out reading material as: â€Å"A disparity or inconsistency happens between what is relied upon to occur and what really occurs in a (circumstance incongruity) or in a communicated proclamation (verbal incongruity). †(Clugston, 2010). Incongruity is appeared in The Necklace when Madame Loisel runs into Madame Forrester in the city. Her companion didn't perceive her since she had matured such a great amount from all the additional work she needed to do to pay her obligation. They have a discussion about the neckband and how she had lost it and supplanted it, I brought you back another simply like it. What's more, presently for a long time we have been paying for it. You will comprehend that it was difficult for us, who had nothing. Finally, it is done, and I am strong happy. (de Maupassant, 1884) and Madame Forrester answers Oh, my poor Mathilde. Yet, mine were bogus. At most they were worth 500 francs! (de Maupassant, 1884). Madame Loisel had the specific inverse of the existence she had fantasized about. Incongruity is appeared in Story of an Hour by the way that Louise was so happy at the idea of her recently discovered opportunity that he began picturing her future alone and thought â€Å"It was just yesterday she had however with a shiver that life may be long. †Little did she realize her life would wind up shorter than she could envision. Both of these accounts speak to death in the manner that Madame Loisel and her husband’s life as they was already aware it kicked the bucket the night the neckband was lost. Louise Mallard basically kicked the bucket, I feel, from seeing her opportunity being removed by her significant other despite everything being alive: her heart just couldn't take it. She not just lost the opportunity she so ached for when her significant other strolled through the entryway, demise made it unimaginable for her to ever have that opportunity. These accounts hold contrasts too. The Necklace is set in Paris and ranges years while the Story of an Hour doesn't give a precise spot however is no doubt set close to where the creator lived in St. Louis, Missouri and just signifies one hour of time. In The Necklace, Madame Loisel’s spouse is continually attempting to satisfy her, first by bringing her a greeting: But, my dear, I figured you would be satisfied. You never go out, and heres a possibility, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. Everyone is after them; they are extraordinarily looked for and very few are given to the agents. You will see there all the official world. (de Maupassant, 1884) and giving her cash to purchase a dress. Despite the fact that Madame Loisel is discontent with her budgetary circumstance, it is never inferred that she is discontent with her better half. In Story of an Hour in any case, it is suggested that Louise Mallard is troubled in her marriage and she didn't feel cherished by her significant other, â€Å"the face that had never looked spare with adoration upon her†. (Chopin, 1894) nor did she love him, â€Å"And yet she had cherished himâ€sometimes. Frequently she had not. What did it make a difference! †(Chopin, 1894). I feel that the main time Louise Mallard is genuinely upbeat is the point at which she thinks she at long last has the opportunity to do anything she desires. Every one of these accounts has ladies spoken to in various manners, in all likelihood since they were composed by various gendered creators. Story of an Hour was composed from a female perspective and The Necklace was composed from a male perspective. The time span in which these accounts were composed is a huge factor in the style they were composed. The late 1800’s wa
Friday, August 21, 2020
Inferential Statistics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inferential Statistics - Term Paper Example d without the requirement for pre-decided inquiries; or, it could likewise be a meeting of a member who is permitted to uninhibitedly communicate for oneself on a wide scope of points sans explicit inquiries. An analyst chooses an exploration strategy as per whether the goal is to recognize a specific sort of data that is accumulated before the beginning of the investigation, or whether members will be the wellspring of that data. What's more, information may likewise be as numerical data that is gathered utilizing sizes of instruments recording and revealing the participants’ voices. Some of the time, both quantitative and subjective data are accumulated. Instrument information could be fortified by reactions to open-finished inquiries, or evaluation information might be upheld by exploratory yet inside and out meetings. In completing exploration, I will start by indentifying the survey that will be directed during the meeting. After the poll has been readied, the example populace will be chosen. A progression of meetings will be directed. Every member in the examination will be given a survey to fill. The exploration examiner will be organized in a way that doesn't affront the member of the examination. Just the subjective plan is proper for this, especially with the utilization of Grounded Theory, since this marvel has not been tremendously investigated. The quantitative technique won't be powerful for this in view of the likelihood that noteworthy and pertinent marvels might be ignored in view of the emphasis on hypothesis and speculation testing. In addition, the information produced from the quantitative strategy could be too theoretical to be in any way appropriate to the objective populace. In the mean time, the blended techniques won't be successful additionally since this will be unreasonably trying for a solitary scientist. b) Unbiased estimator is the point at which the parameters utilized in estimation have a mean equivalent to the genuine mean. Impartial measurement will some of the time fall over the
Monday, August 3, 2020
A couple of hacks from a couple of hacks
A couple of hacks from a couple of hacks Another CPW has come and gone, and with it the throes of prefrosh staring wide-eyed with smiles plastered on their face being carted from free food and festivity time and time again. Its always an energizing event for me, seeing all you guys excited to be here and the prospect of studying here reminds me that Im pretty fortunate to have had the opportunity myself. Thats an easy thing to forget when youve got your head down in your work day in and day out. Of course, CPW brings out the best in a lot of people: facilities pays extra attention to make sure things are just so, professors and students organize tons of events to show off all the nifty things they can do, and hackers â€" MITs clandestine purveyors of engineering spectacleâ€"are no exception. This year, there were a number of particularly impressive hacks throughout the weekend. For starters, Lobby 7, the entrance to MIT from the road, was transformed into a circus ring! Here, you can see a tightrope walker balancing the challenges or work and play! Not the determination in his eyes, the bravery and surety in his movements! His questionable fashion sense! No doubt, an excellent fit for MIT. There was also a hoop artist And a silk dancer plus the normally empty plinths were adorned with a topsy-turvy As well as a brave soul ready to be shot out of a cannon! Something I think many upperclassmen can relate to. And of course, what would a circus be without a ringleader? But the pinnacle of the display was the marvel that was the trapeze artist: Its hard to tell in this photo, but he actually swung back and forth continously! Meanwhile on the other side of campus, we had a visitor of an altogether different sort, lets see if you can spot it: They looked right at home amidst Statas alien exterior. Ok thats a tough one. Lets see if we can zoom in a bit: How about now? See it? Alright, youll definitely see it here: AHHH!!!! ITS A DALEK!!!! RUN!!! Actually, if given the choice between facing the Dalek or back-to-back exams during hell week, I might take my chances. They can have a similar temperament. But the true cremé de la cremé of hacks during CPW, if not my time here, was the one pulled on building 54: What on earth could this mysterious black console be controlling? Whats causing the slack jawed, uncontrollable excitement from the gentleman in the white hoodie? Tetris. on the freaking green building. Apparently, this feat was pulled off by installing multicolored modules in nearly every window sill. There are 17 rows with 9 windows each, meaning 153 modules were crafted and installed secretly to turn the green building into one of the worlds largest full color displays. It was an absolutely incredible sight to see, especially because it was visible from across the river in Boston, meaning just about anyone who could spare a glance toward MIT was rewardedd with this visual spectacle. A momentous achievement in hacking history, and destined to be one of the classics people talk about for a long time. Of course the hack ran the nerd gamut across the interwebs, garnering blog and press coverage all over the place. All in all CPW was an incredible weekend, blessed with nice weather from the weather machine, and invigorated with the excitement of a new batch of nerds ready to live in paradise for a while. As important CPW is for prefrosh trying to figure out where to enroll for college, its pretty important for enrolled students as well. Its a great blow-off valve for the buildup of stress and caffeine-resistance that tends to accumulate over the course of a semester and over the years. I love MIT most of the time (most.), but seeing campus lit up with hacks a plenty and cool events to go to is definitely a hilight. (all photos courtesy of
Monday, June 22, 2020
Judaism History - Free Essay Example
The Jews were an ancient people who had resided in Europe and North Africa after the exile by the Romans in 70CE. They established rich cultural and economic lives and contributed greatly to the societies where they lived. During the British rule in Palestine, the Jewish people were subject to great violence and massacres directed by Arab civilians or forces of the neighboring Arab states. In 1948, the Jewish Community in Israel under the leadership of David Ben-Gurion reestablished sovereignty over their ancient homeland. They had a strong sense of vocation, being covenanted by God to be holy people with a unique oral mission for mankind. A great number of these Jews reached the United States. In 1924 the United States had placed strict limits on immigration and the number of Jews admitted was drastically reduced. There are an estimated 13.5 million Jews in the world, approximately 5.3 million in the United States, 5.8 million in Israel and the remainder dispersed throughout the world. Moses was the main founder of Judaism, but Jews can trace their history back as far as Abraham. They mainly speak Yiddish which is a medieval Germanic dialect mixed with Hebrew and some Slavic words and in modern times developed a rich literature in this folk tongue. Jewish languages feature a syncretism of indigenous Hebrew and Judeo-Aramaic with the languages of the local non-Jewish population. Human health is core values in the Jewish tradition. Hebrew scriptures suggest that illness is the result of sinful behavior and are sometimes depicted as afflicted with their illness because of ethical shortcoming. Jews have a higher carrier rate for more than 40 genetic diseases such as Tay-Sachs, Gaucher disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Bloom syndrome, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Fragile X Syndrome. These genetic diseases arise because of the common ancestry many Jews share due to specific gene mutations. The Judaism is the term for the religion of the Jewish people. It has several branches which include Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. Judaism religious leader is called Rabbi, where they worship is called a synagogue or temple. The practice of Judaism began when one God revealed himself to the nomadic tribes of the Middle East at Mt, Sinai in Egypt thousands of years before the birth of Christ. There are many strict rules regarding the Judaism hygiene, diet, social ju stice, ethical behavior, social justice for the powerless and religious ceremony. All these rules were passed down orally and were later written down in the Torah, which is the basis for both the Hebrew Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament. Orthodox Jews and some Conservative Jewish groups The orthodox Jews follow the strictest interpretation of Jewish law. Hassidim sometimes termed Ultra-Orthodox Jews are the most pious of Orthodox Jews. Following Halacha is obligatory and thus of all branches. Conservative Judaism emphasizes the historical development of Judaism by allowing it to adjust since it views the basic Jewish theological and ritual concepts as objects of continuing the change. There is a strong emphasis on preserving the people of Israel and Zionism. The following are the Orthodox Judaism beliefs and Healthcare Care of women They believe a woman is not in the state of purity whenever blood is coming from her uterus such as during menstrual period or after the birth of a child until the woman bathes herself in a pool called mikvah. Her husband will not touch or have physical contact with her wife during the time of her impurity. An Orthodox Jewish man will not touch any woman other than his wife, mother, and daughter. Dietary rules They practice Kosher dietary rules which include no mixing of milk and meat, not eating any animal not slaughtered according to Jewish law, they use separate utensils for milk and meat. If a parent requires milk and meat products for a meal, the dairy foods should be served first and followed later by the meat. Fasting is required during the Yom Kippur holiday unless one cannot fast for medical reasons, not eating raised bread during Passover. They observed quiet places for saying thanksgiving before and after the meal. Birth Babies are named by the father. Male children are named by eight days after being born and when circumcision is done. Circumcision is a religious ritual performed by a man called mohel on the eight days of the boys life. Its the removal of the penile foreskin. Female babies are normally named while the Torah is read in the synagogue. Sabbathday Sabbath day is observed from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. The Orthodox law says not to ride in a car, smoke or use lights, use of money, using a telephone, and watching television. Surgery or any other medical treatments should be postponed if possible. Fertility practice Artificial birth control is discouraged, and vasectomy is forbidden for Orthodox beliefs. Abortion can only be allowed to save the mothers life or in a terrified circumstance. Organ transplant Donor organ transplants are not permitted by orthodox Jews. It may only be allowed with the rabbis approval. Head covering and shaving Orthodox men wear skull cap all the time called yarmulkes. The women also cover their head after marriage. Some women also wear wigs as a mark of piety. The men beard is a sign of holiness and shaving should not be done with a razor or blade but with scissors or electric razor and no blade must touch the skin. Death Judaism beliefs death happen when respiration and circulation stopped and cannot be corrected. Orthodox Judaism forbids the use of life-support measures. Before death, the Jewish faith specifies that its the duty of the family and friends to visit, the Torah, and Psalms may be read and recited. Someone needs to be with the patients when he or she dies and when the leaves the body. After the death, the body should not be left alone until burial, usually within 24 hours. The body may only be touched or washed by an Orthodox person or the Jewish burial society. On the Sabbath day, handling of the corpse is forbidden to a Jewish person. Water in the room must be emptied, the mirror may be covered to symbolized death, no flowers are allowed. Orthodox and conservative Jews do not approve autopsies if done, all body parts removed must be buried with the body. Organs or the other parts of the body parts amputated limbs must be available for burial for an orthodox. A seven-day mourning period is required by the immediate family member, they must stay at home except on Sabbath day to worship. Reform Judaism This is the most liberal and non-authoritarian of mainstream branches regards to Torah. Revelation is thought to be a continuing process. In Reform Judaism, during birth orthodox practice may or may not be practice but circumcision may be observed. The beliefs do not follow the rules about not touching women. The kosher diet is usually not observed, theres Friday evening worship in the temple but no other rules. They allow life support but heroic measure. They allow cremation, but the ashes should be buried in a Jewish cemetery. Praying is usually done without yarmulkes. References Berkley Center for Religion, Georgetown University. (n.d.). Judaism on Health and Illness. Retrieved from Hanukoglu, I. (n.d.). Israel Science and Technology Directory. Retrieved from Jewish Beliefs and Practices Jewish prisoner services. (n.d.). Retrieved from Linton, A.D. (2016) Introduction to medical-surgical nursing (6th ed.), 69. St Louis, MO: Elsevier The 5 Most Common Ashkenazi Genetic Diseases How NGF Can Help you get screened. (2017, June 14). Retrieved from
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Supply Chain Management An Integrated Process Essay
Introduction: Supply chain management is an integrated process that constitutes the various stages through which a product passes prior to reaching the ultimate consumer. Every product or service is designed in such a manner that it is able to meet the requirements of its target consumers. Through a well formulated and managed supply chain process, products that are manufactured are able to reach out to its consumers effectively and through the process it is possible to make it available at a convenience to the customers. The processes constituted in the supply chain system are continuously active and are always being monitored and managed by several people across the system. An efficient supply chain management system ensures that there is speedy delivery of the product from the stage of the manufacturing through the various channels for delivering it to the consumers. The usual supply chain comprises of raw materials being supplied by different suppliers to a manufacturer who then sends the finished product through a vast distribution network further comprising of a distributor, wholesaler and a retailer through to the final customers who purchase the product. There is a percentage of income that is earned on the product at each stage of the process when the product passes through to the next stage. The price at which a customer purchases the product includes all the costs and margins that are collected at the different stages of the supply chain. Without anShow MoreRelatedSupply Chain Management For A Competitive Advantage1505 Words  | 7 Pagescompetitive advantage. It is called supply chain management and it includes all integrated activates which introduce to market place and maintain customer satisfaction. This supply chain management drives from multi- disciplinary departments such as procuring, transportation, manufacturing products, c ustomer services, distribution of product into integrated program. Successful management will be in coordination and integrated in all these activate in an unbroken chain process. It supports and interconnectedRead More1.1 Explain the Importance of Effective Supply Chain Management in Achieving Your Organizational Objectives.1528 Words  | 7 Pages1.1 Explain the importance of effective supply chain management in achieving your organizational objectives. Supply Chain Management as defined as Maximising added value and reducing total cost across the entire trading process through focusing on speed and certainty of response to the market†. Competitive Edge through Core Competencies Todays business climate has rapidly changed and has become more competitive as ever in nature. Businesses now not only need to operate at a lower cost toRead MoreThe Implementation Of Ssme Has Two Core Issues805 Words  | 4 Pages The implementation of SSME has two core issues, one is the integrated supply chain, another one is customer needs. Specifically, the operation within the entire supply chain should not be split into several parts, each sector of supply chain should consider customers requirements. Due to the existence of gap between Supply Chain Management and SSME, the concept of Service Science can not be implemented well in practice and the customer requirements still can not be well satisfied. In additionRead MoreAssignment 2: Chain Management at Durham International Manufacturing Company (Dimco)1373 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment 2: Chain Management at Durham International Manufacturing Company (DIMCO) Case Study Determine whether integration efforts should start with suppliers, distribution, or both. Explain the rationale for your decision. What are the basic components of a supply chain? Most companies are utilizing a five supply chain components, in order to bring products to the marketplace. The five supply chain components are Suppliers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers, and Consumers/Customers. EffectiveRead MoreSupply Chain Risk Management Analysis1521 Words  | 7 Pages Uta Jà ¼ttner, (2005),Supply chain risk management, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 16 Iss 1 pp. 120 - 141. Supply chain risk management is an intersection of supply chain management and risk management. For this we need to understand the benefits and as well as the limitations of both the concepts. Supply chain risk is about any threat of interruption in the order of workings of the supply chain. This Risk is generated as result of risk ‘drivers’ that are internal or externalRead MoreLogistics And Supply Chain Management1033 Words  | 5 PagesLogistics and supply chain management is an important aspect of a firm’s strategy for the business to achieve success by creating value throughout the logistics and supply chain. The research paper will outline the concepts that are involved in creating the logistics and supply management framework. The logistics and supply chain management strategies will drive success for the company towards fulfilling and supporting customer needs, procurement and manufacturing operations of the firm. This researchRead MoreLogistics Management And Supply Chain Management1171 Words  | 5 PagesLogistics and Supply Chain Management Topic: Do the terms, ‘logistics management’ and ‘supply chain management’ have the same meaning in operations and why logistics management might be of strategic importance to a manufacturing or service organisation. During last two decades, the importance of logistics has been noticed around the world. In global markets, the effects and further developments of logistics and supply chain management for corporate success has increased significantly that resultRead MoreRubber Company1252 Words  | 6 Pages2) Why did Harrison focus on an integrated supply chain as a significant element of Atlas’ new strategic plan? As Harrison and his team found that Atlas lacked integrated supply chain capabilities due to which disjointed distribution network was there and various third – partly logistic companies were used which lead to many problems and challenges. And logistics was only considered as a storage and distribution function rather than a strategic supply chain process. As Harrison came out with a strategicRead MoreSupply Chain Risk Management Plan1299 Words  | 6 Pages(2005),Supply chain risk management, The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 16 Iss 1 pp. 120 - 141. â€Å"Supply chain risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization s capital and earnings that are caused by the organization s Supply Chain. Companies with supply chain risk management plans in place typically place a chief risk office(CRO) in charge of overseeing the effectiveness of the organization s supply chain management strategyRead MoreIbm Supply Chain1592 Words  | 7 Pages* Supply Chain Management In IBM: * Early 1990’s: decentralized geographic and functional departments * Mid-late 1990’s: Distribution and logistics functions centralized into a global organization with world-wide responsibility * Early 2000’s: merger of Customer Fulfillment, Procurement, Manufacturing, and Global Logistics/Distribution functions into a new global Integrated Supply Chain function * Result: cost savings of $5.6B in 2002 and $7B in 2003 * A Case study
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Importance Of Innovation Architecture - 1482 Words
The Importance of Innovation Architecture The importance of innovation architecture is to start with a vision and generate a company platform designed of new processes, create an open-culture and pursue a unique management system. All three of these components support and work well with innovation architecture. Google, Netflix and Ikea have built a framework designed of new company culture, management systems and process that have capitalized their business on innovation and intrapreneurship. Google Google has a unique approach of keeping an effective organization culture by keeping innovation running and going through employee empowerment. According to an article from Forbes, Google’s secrets are empowering employees and creating as many channels as they can in order for manifestation, distinguishing different people and ideas (Google s Secrets of Innovation, 2013). Furthermore, in order to create a strong culture Google has an open culture where employees have the ability to directly email the company leaders. Hence, Google enriches their innovative leadership by enhancing the ability to encourage interactions between top leaders and subordinates. Another fascinating channel Google uses to boost company culture is through Google Cafes. Typically, when employees have a place, topic and motive new ideas spur and innovative interactions are stimulating. Secondly, Google’s management system and their eight pillars of innovation has lead them to maximize their fullSh ow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Innovation Architecture Essay1481 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of Innovation Architecture The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines innovation as â€Å"a new idea, method, or device†or â€Å"the introduction of something new†(Merriam-Webster, 2016). â€Å"New†almost always means change, which is a word that often strikes fear into the hearts of those who simply like to keep things as they have always been. Companies who pursue innovation architecture must develop a culture of innovation that is deeply embedded in its DNA. Otherwise, ideas will perish from malnourishmentRead MoreThe Importance of Innovation Architecture1861 Words  | 8 PagesThe Importance of Innovation Architecture Grand Canyon University: ENT-435 11/16/2014 Here is a reminder from the syllabus about the assignment requirements: For this assignment, you will research the innovation architecture of at least three companies that are well-known for successfully supporting a culture of innovation. Write a 1,500-word paper that addresses the following: 1. What particular elements of each organization’s culture, processes, and management systems and styles workRead MoreThe Importance Of Innovation Architecture1658 Words  | 7 PagesThe Importance of Innovation Architecture â€Å"Innovation generally refers to changing processes or creating more effective processes, products, and ideas (Business, 2017). Innovation mean to put in to place new ideas, generating powerful products, or improving your existing services (Business, 2017). Innovation can be a spark for the growth and success of a company, and help them to adapt and grow in the marketplace†(Business, 2017). Innovative is not only inventing, but changing your business modelRead MoreThe Domain Of Service Oriented Architecture1090 Words  | 5 Pagesservice oriented architecture (SOA) Web oriented architecture (WOA). In this essay I have tried to understand the concepts of architecture styles, their importance in healthcare organizations, comparative study between both architecture based systems and their impacts on the business and took the effort to critically analyse the suitability to deploy these architecture based systems in the healthcare industry. Key words: Service oriented architecture (SOA), Web oriented architecture (WOA), HealthcareRead MoreUsing A Tool Of Stem Innovation1613 Words  | 7 PagesWhile working outside with my father building a tuff shed in the backyard, we needed to use a tool of STEM innovation. Can you guess what that innovation could be? It was the wheel barrow, now I know what you are saying, â€Å"The wheelbarrow isn’t a lever!†Actually the wheel barrow is an innovation of the lever because it has the components of a fulcrum, load, and effort force which is exerted. The wheelbarrow falls under first-class lever because the fulcrum placed between the load and effort to giveRead MoreWhat Changes Would You Go Up Down After Years Of Success?1382 Words  | 6 Pagesstockholders willing to invest money into my organization, in order to franchise and build brand recognition. In class, we discussed that innovation is change that adds value. Therefore, do you think the lack of innovative development caused your business to shut down? There are many factors that caused my business to shut down, so I wouldn t say that the lack of innovation was the only reasoning. However, it definitely played a tremendous role and affected my customer’s overall experience! As I mentionedRead MoreThe Civilization Of Ancient Rome1595 Words  | 7 Pagesempire to conquer most of the Mediterranean Sea basin, the first being the Ancient Greeks. After taking over the former Greek Empire, the Romans assimilated many aspects of Greek culture into their own, including the Greek Architecture. The main attributions to Ancient Roman architecture are cement, the arch, the vault, the dome and centralized road systems. The Roman Architectural Revolution is also known as the Concrete Revolution. This is because during the Roman Empire s thriving period, Roman architectsRead More Roman Empire Innovations Essay1583 Words  | 7 PagesRomans found new societal and technological innovations which led their empire to be a sustainable society. These innovations helped the Roman Empire to be successful and peaceful. They aided in making everyone content, including the conquered and prevented wars from breaking out within the empire. Technological innovations helped the citizens live a comfortable and healthy life. New innovations included new beneficial laws. The last king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud. A harsh tyrant, he was drivenRead MoreHow Technology Has Changed Our Lives1366 Words  | 6 Pagesinfluenced by its urban and natural landscape. Her mother, a geologist, was another way Weiss formed her interests the inclusion of the earth into her designs. Her educational background is in architecture, consisting of a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Virginia and a Masters of Architecture from Yale University. Some other influences of hers include the topography she encountered in her travels of Europe, including the great gardens of Italy and Spain. Weiss also worked forRead MoreInformation Technology : An Organization1049 Words  | 5 PagesInformation Technology (IT) is a critical and, oftentimes, complex component of an organization’s structure. Despite its importance, IT is often viewed as a ‘black hole’ by senior management of organizations- consuming valuable resources and asset s. Unfortunately, this mentality can greatly hinder the economic advancement capabilities and capacities of an organization. As previously indicated, IT is a critical component to both the daily and future business needs of an organization. Senior managers
Monday, May 11, 2020
The United States And The Civil War - 1064 Words
Succeeding from certain countries is often a common solution that many would agree on in order to avoid problems within a nation. A war that includes this action is the civil war. After several disagreements of lifestyle, the South had succeeded from the United States of America. However, Abraham Lincoln’s initial goal was to keep the Union as a whole, as he continuously worked on achieving this goal. There are many accountable reasons for the Civil War, but the disagreement on slave vs. free states and the election of 1860 were the two main causes to the succeeding of the south. Slavery had always been a big issue in the 19th century. The south believed that slavery was essential for the development of the southern economy. As seen in document one, there is a strong controversy about the rights of slaves. Northerners had stated that they, â€Å"deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any terri tory of the United States.†(Document 1). Southerners, on the other hand, believed that, â€Å"all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the Territory, without their rights, either of person or property, being...impaired...†(Document 1). The ongoing quarrel on the rights of slavery leads to continuous tension between the two divisions of the country. The North, which depends strictly on manufacturing and industrial factories, disapproves of the usage of slaveryShow MoreRelatedThe Civil War : The United States1622 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War divided the United States with its’ origin in the struggle to preserve the Union from the Confederacy’s succession. A war to maintain the United States quickly progressed to battles fought because of the controversial beliefs on slavery in the North and South. In the coming of the Civil War there were questions and confusion that many Americans were faced with in the words of the South’s succession. During the war, families were torn due to the men lost to the Union or Confederate causesRead MoreThe United States Civil War918 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States civil war is thought of as what determined what kind of country we would be today. The U.S. civil war, otherwise known as the war of the states, began on April 12, 1861, and lasted until 1865. It consisted of the North (the Union) or the â€Å"free states†, against the South (the confederates) the slave states. When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860 he made promises of free territories, which caused a division between men who owned slaves and men who agreed with Lincoln. SlavesRead MoreUnited States And The Civil War1668 Words  | 7 PagesUS Civil War United States of America was formed as a result of the revolution that continued from 1776 to 1783. After that, United States was divided into two wings/ parts that are the southern and the northern parts. Then conflict between the two aroused because the northern and the southern societies were totally different of each other in terms of economic structure, social class, politics and other social matters especially slavery. The civil war, that started in 1861 and ended in 1865, wasRead MoreThe Civil War : The United States909 Words  | 4 PagesThe Civil War was one of the most pivotal and significant moments in the history of the United States of America. Therefore, its impact of the Civil War was tremendous, and in many ways has shaped the way the United States has evolved into the present. The Civil War brought lots of beneficial changes to America including economic, agriculture, military, and people’s lives. During the Civil War, women stepped out of their domestic do mains to help or support their husbands in the field, or other soldiersRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1605 Words  | 7 PagesThe Civil War of the United States was a major and influential event in the history of our country. The Civil War shaped our nation and how we think of liberty in general. Such a big event in our antiquity must have been caused by a series of dominant events. However, a War of this size has many effects to go along with it. The most common effect thought of is the freedom of slaves, however, the Civil War was not just a war fought for freedom. One major cause of the Civil War was the issue of slaveryRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1561 Words  | 7 PagesCivil War Slaves Freedom can be defined as, â€Å"the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint†. (Definition) Everyone in the United States of America is entitled to this basic human right, presented to us by our founding fathers, though it was not always that simple. Even though it was in the Constitution, many people living before the mid 18th century in the United States were not extended this right, due to their nationality or lack of fortune. Someone lackingRead MoreThe United States And The Civil War920 Words  | 4 Pagesknown in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, often simply called the South, grew t o include eleven states, and although they claimed thirteen states and additionalRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1233 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Blundering Generation†Division among a population for opposing goals wasn t a new concept brought to light by the Civil War. Almost one hundred years prior to the Civil War, inhabitants of the thirteen colonies fought against each other towards their differing support for their wages of unity. Patriots fought Loyalists for coalition of the colonies, and likewise Northerners now fought Southerners for the preservation of the Union. The imminent breakup of the Union, likewise to the dissolutionRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1440 Words  | 6 Pages The Civil War was one of the most deadly wars the United States ever fought it was fought between the North and South and to this day still leaves a big mark on the history of the United States. Though the Civil War seemed to be clear cut on what happened during the conflict its cause is to this day seemingly undecided. Was it the simple piece of legislature called the Kansas-Nebraska act that started it or the election of the United States president Abraham Lincoln that caused the turmoil? EitherRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1082 Words  | 5 Pagesof the United States was the Civil War. The Civil War is often remembered as the war to end slavery. While that did play a part of the Civil War the larger issue at hand was the annihilation of the United States of America. The Confederate States of America wanted to break away from the United States and form their own country. The Confederate States of America, or more commonly known as the Confederacy, was formed by seven slave states located in the southern region of the United States. The economy
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Media Evidence Of Government Investigations And... d. Search Google, looking for information about Facebook acting unethical in a non-US location. Look at 3 different links, give them here. What potential issues do you learn from these links? List them. In the first URL Facebook is being investigated to assess whether an experiment in which it manipulated users news feeds to study the effect it had on moods might have broken data protection laws, it has been reported. In the next URL a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that Facebook intentionally manipulated the news feeds of almost 700,000 users in order to study â€Å"emotional contagion through social networks.†In the last URL a company name Ello’s policy states that the practice of collecting and selling personal data and mapping your social connections for profit â€Å"is both creepy and unethical.† E. By what standard(s) would you determine whether Facebook’s actions with regards to developing and launching new products/services in the US were right orShow MoreRelatedSocial Medi The New Frontier Of Criminal Proceedings1750 Words  | 7 PagesSocial Media Social media is moving rapidly towards pervasive connectivity that will have an impact on how digital search warrants should be granted. The majority of Americans on a daily basis utilize social media and the vast amount of the exchanged information is beyond measurable. Due to overwhelming social media usage, there is heightened concern among the public over what can be accessed by law enforcement officials and what should be the scope of their search warrants. Despite such concernsRead MoreJuvenile Crime Issues in Today’s Criminal Justice System18893 Words  | 76 Pagespart 5 Special Issues ISSUES FOR THE FUTURE The accused has these common law, constitutional, statutory, and humanitarian rights that may be threatened by technological advances and other developments:  ©  ©  ©  © chapter 15 Juvenile Justice chapter 16 Drugs and Crime chapter 17 Terrorism and Multinational Criminal Justice chapter 18 The Future of Criminal Justice These individual rights must be effectively balanced against these present and emerging community concerns: Widespread drug abuse amongRead MoreAmerican Civil Rights Movement Essay15820 Words  | 64 Pagesmovement (1950s) blacks were denied access to public places such as restaurants, hotels, theaters, and schools. There were separate facilities marked colored only, which was sanctioned by the courts. 1896 The Supreme Court: â€Å"Racial segregation was legal as long as separate but equal†1954 The Supreme Court ruled that maintaining separate but equal schools for blacks and whites was unconstitutional. CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT (1950s –1960s). Goals: desegregation, fair housing, equal employmentRead MoreConsumers Laws Essays14341 Words  | 58 Pagesin constitutional law and jurisprudence. Currently he is with Az Zaman, Advocates and Legal Consultants, Islamabad. He also sits on the Advisory Board of the Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan. Abrar Hafeez Abrar Hafeez received his bachelor degree in Law from Punjab University. He specializes in constitutional and regulatory laws. He frequently writes on the issues of civil liberties, constitutional issues and consumer concerns. Currently he is working as Secretary-general of Consumer RightsRead MoreProject Report on Awerness of Consumer Protection Act14651 Words  | 59 Pagesknowledge that a consumer should have about his/her legal rights and duties. It is must for a consumer to follow these rights. It is implemented for the protection of the consumer, so that the consumer is not exploited by the seller of the products. In the context of a democratic form of government, which depends for its sustenance upon the enlightenment of the populace, awareness is at once a social and political necessity. Today the frontiers of knowledge are enlarging with incredible swiftnessRead MoreEthical and Social Issues in Information Systems20165 Words  | 81 PagesChapter 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Analyze the relationships among ethical, social, and political issues that are raised by information systems. 2. Identify the main moral dimensions of an information society and specific principles for conduct that can be used to guide ethical decisions. 3. Evaluate the impact of contemporary information systems and the Internet on the protection of individualRead MoreHow to Safeguard the Well-Being of Children and Young People6459 Words  | 26 Pagess directors with responsibility for local authority education and children s social services. ~lead councillors for children s services with political responsibility for local child welfare ~ the establishment of Local Safeguarding Children s Boards with statutory powers to ensure that social services, the NHS, education services, the police and other services work together to protect vulnerable children ~a new Common Assessment Framework to assist agencies in identifying welfare needs ~revisedRead MoreFuture Information Security Trends17051 Words  | 69 Pagesprovide rigorous and systematic foreseeing knowledge for the implementation of the Finnish National Information Security Strategy (kansallinen tietoturvastrategia). The aim of the project was to study near-future information security issues that are related to, for example, new technologies, services, and business models. Our approach combines perspectives from different disciplines in order to better address the complexity of the focus area. We identified relevant future information security trends especiallyRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words  | 163 PagesDoctrine? 82 STANDING 83 JNM, SOLVING THE WAR PUZZLE, September 11th Its Aftermath: Terrorism, Afghanistan, The Iraq War 84 Incentive Theory Terrorism 84 Low Intensity Conflict and the International Legal System, JNM 89 Recommendations for Strengthening the International Legal System to Deal More Effectively with Low-Intensity Aggression 90 THE RULE OF LAW IN NAT’L SECURITY AFFAIRS: In repealing the war powers resloution, Robert F. Turner 91 U.N. RESOLUTION 1441: 8 NOVEMBER 2002 96 Read MoreBusiness Journalism in India26104 Words  | 105 Pages eclipse of the general interest magazines, (5) stagnation of news magazines, scope for special interest magazines. The role of the consumers purchasing power more important than editorial content 8 Magazines during post emergency boom Success of ‘India Today’. How can magazines (5) compete with the challenge posed by TV which now covers sports, celebrities, life style, news and business. How to find out if there is a niche for new magazines. Comment on Travel, Health, Technology and career-guidance
Introduction to Culture and Imperialism Free Essays
Introduction to Culture and Imperialism Edward Said Culture is one of the things that elude an accurate definition. Some of the various well-known definitions are cited by Said in his various works. For instance: â€Å"Culture is the learned, accumulated experience of the communities, and it consists of socially transmitted patterns of behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Culture and Imperialism or any similar topic only for you Order Now †The final analysis of definition boils down to â€Å"socially transmitted patterns of behavior†, and makes more sense, though like other definitions, it too cannot be taken as exact and conclusive. Said also cites anthropologist Clifford Greety’s definition, An ordered system of meanings and symbols in terms of which social interaction takes place, and social system is the pattern of social interaction itself. †This definition too, has partial relevance to what culture amounts to. Said seems more in agreement with Matthew Arnold who regards culture as, â€Å"each society’s reservoir of the best that has been known and thought†. Edward Said’s entire professional life was devoted to the teaching of literature. As his critical outlook was influenced by his colonial social background, he could not help looking for imperialistic implications in literature. Imperialism too does not lend itself to a complete conclusive definition, though it is more easily comprehensible than the word culture. For a meaningful discussion, Solomon Modell’s definition of imperialism makes a good promise. He says, â€Å"Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power beyond its own borders for the purpose of exploiting other lands and other people by establishing economic, social and political control over them. †Said gives an updated version of Modell’s definition in the following words†Imperialism means the practice, the theory and the attitude of a dominating metropolitan centre that rules a distant territory. †It is obvious that the interaction in imperialism takes place between the dominating and dominated nation. That interaction never develops in friendship, because of distrust and contempt on either side. The dominated nation never accepts the ideology and attitude of dominating nation. The best examp le is the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent, for instance, about 200 years of British rule could not bring friendship between Indians and British government. Literature not doubt is the mirror of culture. Said deplores the general attitude of the critics and readers who never care to look at the cultural aspects of the works of fiction, like the works of Carlyle, Ruskin or Even Dickens. On the other hand, he admires Conrad’s persistence as he forecasts the unstoppable unrest and misrule of the Latin American republics and singles out North America’s particular way of influencing conditions in a decisive, yet barely visible way. He praised â€Å"The Heart of Darkness†by Conrad. Speaking of the interaction between imperialistic regime and colonized nation, he conceives culture as a protective enclosure where imperialist should stop to check his politics before he enters the door. â€Å"I found it a challenge not to see culture in this way†, says Edward Said. Since the culture includes ideology and attitudes of a nation, any effort on the part of imperialist to subdue the culture of a nation invokes violent resistances. Palestine, Kashmir and Iraq are apt illustrations of the resistance, which results in blood acts of fighting and terrorism. Education, is the field, through which imperialist finds easiest access to the culture of the subjugated nation. As most of the third world countries are backward in education, imperialists launch so-called programs for educational development, to achieve their goal. British did this by setting up state-governed schools and colleges, the curriculum was designed to produce minor officials in cheap English dress, speaking shaky English. Introduction to culture and imperialism is an accurate appraisal of current world scenario around us. It is a warning for people of the world against imperialistic approach of US. Cold War has made US the sole power, being unprecedented. During the Cold War, US had to contribute for the socio-economic development of the third world countries. Its attitude was soft and plaint. It had to respect the mandate of the UNO. In the case of US aggression, the victim state could invoke the intervention of USSR, which US could afford to ignore. With the engineered fall of USSR, US emerged as the self-appointed lord of the world. Muslim militants groups were created, trained, organized and financed to cause the fall of USSR. These groups were made to believe that it was the war between Islam and communism. Heavy consignments of sophisticated arms were supplied to those warriors. Pakistan also had to pay a heavy price by playing a major part in the downfall of USSR. Islam came to be the next target of the sole Super Power of the world, as a potential challenge in the years to come. The oil-rich Iraq has already been laid waist in the ruthless hunt of WMDs. Afghanistan that spearheaded the war against communism, is now main target in the hunt of Osama. But the power-drunk Super Power does not bother about justifications for whatever it does, so long as it remains at the top. UNO is also helpless in this regard. US adopted the preemption policy. Even terrorism is the exclusive prorogation of the sole Super Power. The prorogation includes defining nuclear proliferation, and therefore Iran is presently on the hit list, whereas Pakistan likely to be the next target, gets an occasional growl from US administration. During 19th century immense power was concentrated in Britain and France as a result of industrialization. It was unprecedented and more formidable than power of Rome, Baghdad, Spain and Constantinople. In the later years, US also came up with Britain and France and that was peak of West domination. The rise was so fast that rate of acquisition of foreign territory had risen up to 247,000 square miles per year in 1914. During this time, US was forwarded as an empire. After annexation of North American territory, Plans were set afoot through intervention to Philippines, the Caribbean, Central America, the Middle East, Vietnam and Korea. Edward Said clearly labels as Imperialism whatever US is doing around the world. He says, â€Å"The goal of the US policy is to bring a world increasingly subject to the rule of law, and it is the United States, which organizes the peace and defines the law. United States imposes the international interests by setting the ground rules for economic development and military development across the planet. †Edward Said pins his hopes on a gradual development of awareness, culminating in a formidable, well-organized resistance that would eventually force US to think wise before meddling with sovereignty of other states, but this solution depends upon the numbers of factors which may or may not come together and it may take ages before they come. How to cite Introduction to Culture and Imperialism, Essay examples
Judging by the Cover free essay sample
Judging by the Cover,†is an essay written in 2003 by Bonny Gainley who is a consultant, speaker, and author. It originally appeared in an opinion column in a Colorado newspaper. Although non-discriminatory, she believes that people project messages about themselves with their appearance. This essay seems to be intended for recent graduates and young job seekers. The main point that she tries to explain to the reader is that even though our family and friends may accept us for who we are, employers may not. Gainley does make some really good points when discussing why people need to be aware of how they look. She seems to be trying to talk about too many issues in such a short article and it becomes very confusing and misleading, starting with the very first paragraph. She starts out by saying â€Å"Spring is in the air, and those about to graduate are looking for jobs just like many of the rest of us. We will write a custom essay sample on Judging by the Cover or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †Her warning, which seems to be directed toward college students, does not flow with the rest of her article. Her story might have received more notice and flowed better if she would have started with the second paragraph instead. She explains how everyone wants to be accepted for how they are. Our family accepts us for who we are but our workplace may not. She uses an example from a high school newspaper. The editorial of this paper claimed it was unfair for business and professionals to discourage visible tattoos. It is misleading that she uses a high school newspaper when she has geared this article toward college students, but by saying this, she shows how juvenile and naive young adults may be for thinking companies would accept them regardless of how they look. For example, some people think what they see on television is reality, like the shows â€Å"Criminal Minds,†or â€Å"NCIS. In these shows, they have someone who dresses â€Å"Goth†and has a lot of tattoos. In real life you have to dress the part; dressing like that in the work place could be a distraction and a safety issue. She talks about not judging a book by its cover but then she says that sometimes people cover themselves on purpose, intending to send certain message. This paragraph was hard to understand. She seems to be trying to explain to the reader that although you should not judge a book by its cover, businesses often make assumptions by their appearance. Dress codes exist for a reason. Sometimes it is for safety reasons but sometimes it’s just about what the employers or clients are willing to accept. If a certain look or appearance might make a client uncomfortable then the company will decide that such an appearance is inappropriate or might pose an unnecessary risk for that company. While it does not seem right, employers do care about our appearance. Jobs exist to make money and right now there is a tough job market. With a lot of people out there looking for jobs, employers can afford to be picky. This is not about human rights and freedom, but about free enterprise. People are told to not discriminate against someone for something an applicant can’t control, and doing so would be illegal. With that being said, visible tattoos and body piercing are something very much controllable. She uses a very good example that runners would be at a disadvantage if they were to run 100 meters wearing combat boots. People who choose to have piercings and tattoos put themselves at a disadvantage. Imagine if 2 people walked into a job for an interview. They both had the same amount of experience, but one is dressed in a nice suite and the other has tattoos all down his arm. They are going to go with the person who looks nicer and fits into the type of company they have. During the whole article she makes it difficult to understand which side she is on, or if she even has a side. She then gives her opinion by stating how she does not have a problem with tattoos which takes away from the meaning she is trying to say. She was paid to hire someone that would make a good impression on her customers but by stating how she does not have a problem with them herself, she confuses the reader about her feelings regarding tattoos and piercings and the point that she is really trying to make. Her essay is a little outdated. While her essay might have been really good advice in 2003, I think more companies are open to the idea of tattoos and piercings as long as it is not excessive. At the same time, I do agree with what she is trying to say. People should be allowed to dress and look however they want, but at the same time, companies have a job to hire someone who they don’t consider risky or someone who they think might not offend their customers. Before you go out and get that new tattoo, or that new body piercing, jobseekers need to be aware that companies are not going to change to accommodate you. Time has a way of changing everything. What is acceptable now was not acceptable years ago. For example, in the 50’s, woman were not allowed to wear pants. Now, they have business suits out there just for women. So, over time, it may be okay to wear tattoos and piercings. When that time comes, there will be another thing deemed inappropriate for the workplace. Job seekers need to be aware of this and when looking for a job, they should wear appropriate clothes to the interview. Do not expect to wear â€Å"the latest fashions†and be hired.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Marc Chagall free essay sample
Discuss how the environment and other influences, for example personal beliefs, have shaped the work of at least one artist you have studied this year. Refer to work done by this artist to substantiate your statements. Marc Chagall was a Russian/French artist who was born into a poor family of Hassidic Jews on the 7th July 1887. Throughout his working life he was based in Russia from 1906-1910, then he moved to France for four more years before moving back to Russia and Soviet Belarus for eight years. Chagall was strongly influenced, but not limited to, movements such as Cubism, Fauvism and Surrealism. These movements are demonstrated in his work through the geometric shapes, his use of colour and the seemingly random placement of people and objects in his works. Chagall described his work as, â€Å"†¦ extravagant art, a flaming vermillion, a blue soul flooding over my paintings. †Chagall’s childhood in the small country town of Vitebsk, Belarus was happy and is another influence for his artworks. We will write a custom essay sample on Marc Chagall or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Small provincial ghettos are presented in some way in many of his artworks. Chagall said that, â€Å"The soil that nourished the roots of my art was Vitebsk†. Many childhood memories are presented in his artworks. His religion is also another large influence fore Chagall, many of his paintings include Jewish symbolism and refer to Judaism. There were limited opportunities to study art in Vitebsk and after an argument with his father; he moved to St Petersburg to study, he lived quite a risky and independent life. Shortly after, he moved to Paris where he met friends, Robert and Sonia Delauney. They were very influential to his style- predominantly in Chagall’s use of colour and in his cubist technique. While living in the poverty areas of Paris, he lightened his palette and his use of colour became more harmonious and unified. This is the palette that creates the basis for some of his well known works such as â€Å"I and the Village†(1911), â€Å"The Green Violinist†(1923-24), and â€Å"Solitude†(1933). Chagall has managed to produce many great works of art throughout his life and was greatly influenced by his surroundings, childhood, friends and Judaic religion. In 1911, Chagall was living in the poverty area of La Ruche. This is where he created â€Å"I and the Village†, an artwork that is a dreamlike/surreal representation of Chagall’s childhood memories. This is a colourful and busy painting that has a subtle blend of organic and geometrical shapes within. The bright colours create interest as they are often contrasting with each other. For example, the green face against the red background. The colours are vivid and flat, with a minimal use of blending, this shows Chagall’s use of fauvism. The minimal use of blending also adds to the form of the painting, which is quite flat in most areas and the objects look two-dimensional. The radial balance created by the lines leading into the centre of the artwork draw a specific emphasis to the main focal points, that is, the green man and the goat. The man is wearing a pink hat, a beaded necklace with the sign of the cross on it, a purple and yellow shirt and a ring with the Star of David on it symbolising Judaism. The man is holding up a bushel of leaves and it appears as though he is presenting it to the goat. The goat is placed within the golden mean and it is a close up of its head. The goat is composed of many geometrical shapes. It is looking into the eyes of the man and the man is looking into the eyes of the goat. This could symbolise that the man has a strong connection with the goat or the village in which the goat belongs to. In the background of the reveals street of houses and buildings, some of which are upside down adding to the surrealist feel of the artwork. In front of the houses there are two people, a man who is holding a pick and a woman who is upside down. The last significant feature in the artwork is the woman milking a goat, in the face of the larger goat. All of these objects and people within the artwork look like tributes from Chagall’s memory of the rural village he grew up in. the lines of the geometrical shapes create unity. This is because of the circle in the middle of the artwork joining the man, the goat and the background. This artwork is a surreal representation of the town of Vitebsk where Chagall grew up. Chagall is trying to comment of the relationship of people with the land, which is demonstrated by the man looking at the goat as an equal and also by the woman milking a goat. As there are in many of Chagall’s works, there is a spiritual reference in this artwork. The goat and the Star of David are the symbolic references. The goat is a great symbol of sacrifice for the Jewish religion. The colours in the artwork are reminiscent of the circus or other flamboyant events. The man could represent the ringmaster. This could all show the way in which man lives in harmony with animals and the environment. The large circle in the middle of the page could symbolise the sun and the all the chaos surrounding it could show that the earth and everything on it is dependent on the sun for life. The bright colours could also symbolise the fake world, opposed to that of the world when Chagall grew up. In â€Å"The Green Violinist†(1923-24) we see a green man wearing a purple coat, which is composed of geometrical shapes. He is placed in the centre of the artwork and is standing on or floating in the air above a couple of houses playing a violin. The fact that he is the only object that is coloured brightly in secondary colours compared to the rest of the painting in neutral tones of browns and greys; the man is the main focal point. The geometric shapes of the purple coat are defined by the tonal changes, which reflect the suggested sunlight. In the background there is more houses and a man flies over the clouds above the houses. This adds to the dreamlike state of the painting. Chagall has used colour, shape, size, emphasis and balance to compose the artwork and communicate his ideas. The subject matter of the artwork is obvious as the colours are bright in contrast to the dull monotonous background. Also the subject matter has been placed in the centre of the artwork and makes most of the positive space. The symmetrical balance supports the harmony to the viewer’s eye. The cubist movement is evident through the geometrical shapes on the coat, the rectangles on the trousers and even in the circles that form the clouds in the sky. Fauvism is also represented by the colour of the man. Surrealism is illustrated through the proportion of the man in relation to the houses; he is larger than the houses and everything else around him. The dog in the bottom left corner is interested in the violinist, but also could be a vicious dog. The latter could also represent the persecution of the Jewish throughout Russia during the time period in which this artwork was painted. That fact that the violinist has been painted so vibrantly and differently to the background could also show that the Jews ‘did not fit in’ throughout Europe and also shows how they were singled out, even though they were not any different. It is evident that Chagall’s artworks in some way or another are connected to his hometown of Vitebsk. This artwork could symbolise the fearfulness of political changes that happened to the rural town of Vitebsk during the early 1900’s such as the change from the Tsarist rule (when Chagall was born) to the communist revolution that sent Russia into dismay. In Jewish villages the violinist is a significant character who plays at life changing ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, births, etc. therefore, the symbolic value of the violinist in this painting could be about the life hanging moments within the town. To stay true to ones character throughout the changes. This painting is a reflection of moving into the future and a recollection of Chagall’s Jewish upbringing. The 1930’s was the decade of the depression and also the peak for the Nazi’s. Chagall’s painting, â€Å"Solitude†(1933) represents the feeling of the Jews in this time in history. This artwork depicts a middle-aged man, who looks biblical and is dressed in a white headdress, is holding a scriptural scroll and is sitting next to a goat with a violin. Above them flies a white angel (God’s messenger) amidst the sinister looking smoky black clouds. These objects stand out, as they are all white contrasting against a dark grey background. there is a symmetrical balance in the artwork. The man and the goat are sitting on the grass outside of a village. This could mean they are not wanted inside the village – this shows the persecution of the Jews. The sacrificial goat is another strong symbol of the Jewish religion, in this painting it looks as though it is providing some form of hope and comfort to the man as it sits next to him in a loyal manner looking up at him. The name â€Å"Solitude†represents the cultural persecution of the Jews throughout Europe in 1933. Due to the Nazi rule, Jews were especially feeling hated in this era. This artwork demonstrates what the Nazi’s were doing to the whole Jewish race and is a political dissent. Through his use of the Torah, sacrificial goat, the historical rabbi figure and God’s messenger the angel, Chagall intentionally signifies the turn of Europe in the 1930’s. Ethnicity, religion and class are all aspects of this painting as the Jewish religion and ethnicity are shown to have no power in Europe as the Nazi’s attempted genocide. In 1933, Nazi general, Goebbels had ordered some of Chagall’s works to be publically burnt in Mannheim, Germany. In 1941, Chagall and his family moved to the United States of America to flee the Jewish persecution in Europe. 3 years later, his beloved wife Bella died. This stunted his creativity for a momentous amount of time. He soon regained his spirits and returned to France with his new wife Virginia Haggard and together they worked in theatre. Virginia left him, and then in 1952 Chagall met and married Valentine Brodski who encouraged him to get back to painting. In 1968 Russia held an exhibition to honour the works of Chagall. In 1985, Chagall reached his death while in France and was aged 97 years old. Chagall said, â€Å"In our life there is a single colour, as on an artists palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the colour of love. †Chagall’s works were inspired by love, his childhood, the environment and his religion, which made his works so passionate and popular with the public. They were often influenced by the Cubists, Fauvist and Surrealist movements, which fitted so well with his motifs.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Profile of Elizabeth How, Persecuted Salem Witch
Profile of Elizabeth How, Persecuted Salem Witch Elizabeth How Facts Known for: accused witch, executed in the 1692 Salem witch trialsAge at time of Salem witch trials: about 57Dates: about 1635 – July 19, 1692Also known as: Elizabeth Howe, Goody Howe Family, Background: Born in Yorkshire, England, about 1635 Mother: Joane Jackson Father: William Jackson Husband: James How or Howe Jr. (March 23, 1633 – February 15, 1702), married April 1658. He had become blind at the time of the trials. Family connections: Elizabeth’s husband James How Jr. was connected to a number of other Salem witch trial victims. James was the brother of John How. John How was married to Sarah Towne (How), whose father, Edmund Towne, was the brother of Rebecca Towne Nurse, Mary Towne Easty and Sarah Towne Cloyce, all accused of witchcraft as well.Also, James and John How’s mother was Elizabeth Dane How, a sister of the Rev. Francis Dane. Dane was the father of Abigail Dane Faulkner and Elizabeth Johnson Sr., father-in-law of Deliverance Dane, and a grandfather of several others arrested. Lived in: Ipswitch sometimes noted as Topswitch Elizabeth How and the Salem Witch Trials Elizabeth How was accused by the Perley family of Ipswitch. The parents of the family testified that their 10-year-old daughter was afflicted by How over the course of two to three years. Doctors had diagnosed that the daughter’s affliction was caused by â€Å"an evil hand.†Spectral evidence was offered by Mercy Lewis, Mary Walcott, Ann Putnam Jr., Abigail Williams, and Mary Warren. On May 28, 1692, an arrest warrant was issued for How, charging her with acts of witchcraft against Mary Walcott, Abigail Williams, and others. She was arrested the next day and taken to the home of Nathaniel Ingersoll for examination. A formal indictment was prepared on May 29, mentioning that Mercy Lewis had been tortured and afflicted by an act of witchcraft by Elizabeth How. Witnesses included Mercy Lewis, Mary Walcott, Abigail Williams, and members of the Perley family. While she was in jail, she was visited by her husband and daughters. On May 31, Elizabeth How was again examined. She replied to the charges: â€Å"If it was the last moment I was to live, God knows I am innocent of anything of this nature.†Mercy Lewis and Mary Walcott fell into fits. Walcott said that Elizabeth How had punched and choked her that month. Ann Putnam testified that How had hurt her three times; Lewis also accused How of hurting her. Abigail Williams said that How had hurt her many times and had brought â€Å"the book†(the Devil’s book, to sign). Ann Putnam and Mary Warren said they’d been pricked by a pin by How’s spectre. And John Indian fell into a fit, accusing her of biting him. A May 31 indictment cited witchcraft practiced against Mary Walcott. Elizabeth How, John Alden, Martha Carrier, Wilmott Redd, and Philip English were examined by Bartholomew Gedney, Jonathan Corwin, and John Hathorne Timothy and Deborah Perley, who leveled the initial claims, on June 1 also accused Elizabeth How of afflicting their cow with sickness, causing it to drown itself when they stood against her joining the Ipswich church. Deborah Perley repeated the charges about afflicting their daughter Hannah. On June 2, Sarah Andrews, sister of Hannah Perley, testified to hearing her afflicted sister blame Elizabeth How for threatening and hurting her, even though their father had questioned the truth of the claim. On June 3, the Rev. Samuel Phillips testified in her defense. He said he had been at the Samuel Perley home when the child was having fits, and though the parents said â€Å"good wife How the wife of James How Junior of Ipswich†was a witch, the child did not say so, even when asked to do so. Edward Payson testified that he had witnessed the Perley daughter’s affliction, and the parents’ questioning her as to How’s involvement, and that the daughter had said: â€Å"no never.†On June 24, a neighbor of 24 years, Deborah Hadley, testified on Elizabeth’s behalf that she had been conscientious in her dealings and â€Å"Christian-like in her conversation.†On June 25, neighbors Simon and Mary Chapman testified that How was a godly woman. On June 27, Mary Cummings testified about a run-in her son Isaac had had with Elizabeth, involving a mare. Her husband Isaac also testified to these charges. On June 28, the son, Isaac Cummings, also testified. That same day, Elizabeth’s father-in-law, James How Sr., who was about 94 at the time, testified for Elizabeth as a character witness, noting how loving, obedient and kind she was and how she had cared for her husband who had become blind. Joseph and Mary Knowlton testified for Elizabeth How, noting that ten years before they had heard stories of Elizabeth How afflicting the daughter of Samuel Perley. They had asked Elizabeth about these and Elizabeth had been forgiving of their reports. They noted that she was an honest and good person. Trial: June 29-30, 1692 June 29-30: Sarah Good, Elizabeth How, Susannah Martin, and Sarah Wildes were tried for witchcraft. On the first day of the trial, Mary Cummings testified that another neighbor had become ill after a sharp exchange with James How Jr. and his wife. On June 30, Francis Lane testified against How, noting the conflict with Samuel Perley. Nehemiah Abbott (married to Elizabeths sister-in-law, Mary Howe Abbott) also testified that when Elizabeth was angry she wished someone would choke, and that person did shortly after; that How’s daughter had attempted to borrow a horse but when he refused, the horse later was injured, and that a cow had also been injured. Her brother-in-law John How testified that Elizabeth had afflicted a sow when Elizabeth was angry with him for asking whether she had afflicted the Perley child. Joseph Safford testified about a church meeting held in the wake of the accusations earlier regarding the Perley child; he said that his wife had attended the meeting and was afterward in a â€Å"raving frenzy†first defending Goody How and then in a trance. Sarah Good, Elizabeth How, Susannah Martin, and Sarah Wildes were all found guilty and condemned to hanging. Rebecca Nurse was first found not guilty, but when the accusers and spectators loudly protested, the court asked the jury to reconsider the verdict and condemned Nurse to hang as well. On July 1, Thomas Andrews added some charges regarding a sick horse he believed was the one that the Hows wanted to borrow from the Cummings. Elizabeth How was hanged on July 19, 1692, along with Sarah Good, Susannah Martin, Rebecca Nurse, and Sarah Wilde. Elizabeth How After the Trials The following March, residents of Andover, Salem Village, and Topsfield petitioned on behalf of Elizabeth How, Rebecca Nurse, Mary Easty, Abigail Faulkner, Mary Parker, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Samuel and Sarah Wardwell – all but Abigail Faulkner, Elizabeth Proctor, and Sarah Wardwell had been executed – asking the court to exonerate them for the sake of their relatives and descendants. In 1709, How’s daughter joined the petition of Phillip English and others to get the victims’ names cleared and to get financial compensation. In 1711, they finally won the case, and Elizabeth How’s name was mentioned among those who had been unfairly convicted and some executed, and whose convictions were reversed and nullified.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How Scholarly Articles Broaden the Students Understanding of Any Given Subject
How Scholarly Articles Broaden the Students Understanding of Any Given Subject Scholarly Articles Broaden the Students Outlook The student in higher education may ask: Beyond being required to incorporate them into my essays and papers, how are academic articles important? How exactly can they enhance my understanding of a subject? And don’t I get plenty of information from a course’s textbook? So Why Are They Important? A scholarly article is a short document written by an expert to convey and explore new information on a given subject. They are sources of high-quality information written by experts in a certain field – experts, by the way, who may have dedicated their entire life or career to exploring a subject. Scholarly articles, usually published by an academic press, are most always subject to a peer-review process, which means that in order for an article of this sort to be published a specialist or expert in the field must first evaluate its content, sources, and argument or analysis for quality and originality. This means that ALL the information conveyed in a scholarly article is credible, accurate and therefore beneficial to the student’s understanding of a subject and its real-world relevance and current applications. To put it plainly, scholarly articles, which are found in academic periodicals, are very advantageous to the student. Indeed most students will familiarize themselves with scholarly articles because students are generally required to include them in their research, their essays and their papers; students are usually required to evaluate an article’s content to expand on the topics they themselves are making in their academic work. But scholarly articles can also provide the student – perhaps one who may be struggling with grasping a subject or topic – with a general understanding of a subject. In some cases a textbook may only provide a student with a limited perspective on a topic or issue – while the scholarly article may offer differing viewpoints on a subject, perhaps providing both sides to a controversial subject, as well as explaining which side is more practical and why. They provide the student with the most up-to-date information on a subject, are good sources for generating ideas for papers and presentations, and are often briefer and sometimes easier to comprehend than maybe a textbook’s stale, one-sided and outdated approach in explaining a subject. Rather than providing a simple overview of the subject, which is the case with most textbooks, scholarly articles examine a subject, topic or issue in a practical way. An article of this sort reports on original research or experimentation, the kind usually only generalized in a textbook, and expands on that information and looks at a subject more in depth. The enduring purpose of these kinds of articles is to be made available to the rest of the scholarly or academic world. Scholarly articles can broaden a student’s understanding of a given subject or topic because those writing them are required to list the sources they used to write their article, in the form of footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies. The student looking to expand their knowledge on a subject can then look up any combination of these used sources, read them thoroughly, and as result will begin to familiarize themselves with a topic on several different levels. always strives to utilize top quality scholarly articles in its work. This ensures maximum quality and relevance of information that gets incorporated into our projects. For most disciplines the requirement is that all information should be no older than five years and from this stand, scholarly articles are an invaluable source of information. Feel free to contact us anytime and we guarantee you will get a quality product. is the service you can trust!
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